We All Live Here, Together
In a world focused on the mighty dollar, being in power and dividing walls,
we can not negate understanding that we in fact all share the same air, space, and planet.
Our focus should be centered on working together, not against one another. We are all equal,
animals and sea life included. We are all dependant upon each other for survival, and we are
not doing a great job of it.
Where are our think tanks, our invovators, where did our compassion, our empathy
run off to? The dumbing down of America is killing us off. The addiction to drugs,
the power of money, the overzealous nature of our spending habits are human
conditions that we simply can not sustain. This throw away culture has
got to stop. Wake up Americans, we need to unite, not divide, have empathy,
not ignorance. Show compassion and not to just your fellow humans, but
for all living things. We will not survive otherwise.